Events lined up for 2025...
​​BOOK CLUB - The first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm. Come and join our group of book readers to read and discuss books you have read or reading.. its a social evening for book lovers... all welcome. The next is on Thursday 6th March 2025.
​QUIZ NIGHTS - The Last Sunday of every month 8.00pm to 10pm. NEXT QUIZ will be in March.
Maximum of 6 per team - bring a team or join one on the night.
Prize for the winning team, Free entry. Raffle tickets sold on the night in aid of 'Help for Heroes' to Win £20.00 Voucher to redeem at Pear Tree Inn.
The next one is being held on Sunday 9th February 2025.
Prompt start with supper at 6.00pm; Quiz commences at 7.15pm.
​​​​​​Thursday 20th February 2025 - from 7.30pm - Talk Evening
We are pleased to have secured John Manchester to come and give a talk on Gibson Technologies who have created global reputation for excellence in both performance and reliability in designing, developing and manufacturing race systems encompassing engines, electronics, hybrids and electronic gearshift systems. They work alongside top racing and automotive manufactures in the world including FormulaOne, LeMans Endurance Prototypes, Touring Cars, F3000, A1GP and Renault F3.5 to name a few....
We invite you to come along to hear about Johns career path over 40 years with the company.
All welcome - Free Entrance.
Thursday 27th February - FUN BINGO NIGHT - 7.00pm onwards.
A Bingo Night being organised and run by the 'Yeaveley Pop Up Cafe Team' for the local community and people who support the
Friday 7th March 2025 - 7.30pm to 9.30pm - LIVE MUSIC from a trio named 'Fusion'.
An Ashbourne based group who enjoy playing at venues around the area. Songs from Cold Play; Snow Patrol; Keenes; Bryan Adams; AC/DC; Duran Duran to name but a few... It commences at 7.30pm and concludes at 9.30pm (with a small break somewhere in the middle). There's music to suit everyone. All Welcome - Free Admitance. Please feel free to come along to support them.
Thursday 17th April 2025 - 7.30pm - 9.30pm - An Eveneing Talk on Reiki Therapy with Helen Craven.
​Reiki means universal energy and is a Japanese Energy healing method to promote overall well-being and relaxation. Come along to hear all about this facinating method of healing and about Helens Business which is very local... well it's actually here in Yeaveley!!
Please come along to give Helen your support. All Welcome - Free Admitance.